I Pledge Allegiance…

… But not to the flag of the United States of America,
Nor the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under Satan,
With tolerance for all but Christians.

Am I the only one who has wondered why the American flag is a common object in church decor? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a church that did not display the U.S. flag in the position of prominence at the right hand of the speaker. It is displayed in prominence even over the “Christian flag” (whatever that is).

And churches will pledge allegiance to the Stars and Stripes as well as the nation “for which it stands.” Christian schools and universities follow suit.

And I cannot help but think of how much of a denial of Christ that is! How can one vow loyalty to a pagan nation (as all nations but Israel are) and at the same time claim to love the Lord God Jesus Christ?

It saddens me that far too many Christians associate being a “good citizen” by getting involved in the democratic process (a form of government never close to being advocated in the Bible) and by trying to “Christianize” the nation with being a “good Christian.” It saddens me that they may never figure out how to be a “good Christian” in this lifetime.

I do not understand how the United States Constitution is held in such a high and lofty position. Any Christian with even a cursory knowledge of Scripture would frown upon a document birthed out of rebellion for the authorities placed over its framers, authorities which are there because God placed them there.

So because the “Founding Fathers” disliked the God-ordained rulers over them, they willfully sinned in rebellion to begin a so-called “Christian nation” based upon the whims of the people (a frightful thought for those who, again, have a cursory knowledge of Scripture).

And today, Christians left and right are swearing themselves to this nation. Christians are joining the armed forces and dying in defense of this nation (or, more likely, dying in  unnecessary offense for this nation).

I’m all for obedience to the law, and I’m all for praying for those over me. But when such things run contrary with being an ambassador of and slave to Christ, my allegiance is not to America. As an ambassador, I cannot participate in the voting process of this nation as it is not my true home. And as a slave to Christ, I cannot obey any command which would be sin, such as going to war and killing another.

I honestly must say, beware of any church, school, college, or other “Christian” organization which flies an American flag and swears allegiance to a nation under direct control of the prince of this age, that Wicked One.

4 thoughts on “I Pledge Allegiance…”

  1. I think you’ve got good points, but there are a couple of reasons that I think the Christian supporters of the Constitution believed what they did. Rebellion and separatism were not at odds with the settlers of North America. Twice before had they split from the “popular” authority: first in the formation of the Protestant church in the face of Catholicism (before leaving Europe, naturally), and second in their coming to the New World to escape the conflict between themselves and the Church of England.

    I also urge you to reconsider your stance on voting. While it may seem that the United States as a whole defies what Jesus stood for, I don’t think you necessarily have to be at odds with it for this reason. If anything, you should vote *because* of this – if you believe that the current war is illegal and immoral, make your opinion known at the polls. Whether or not Jesus directly supported democracy, I’m certain that he would have supported it as a tool to further the well-being and morality of the common man.

  2. But what would my vote do? I don’t believe it would have any effect. George Bush is in power because God put him there, not because Republicans voted. Bill Clinton was in power because God put him there. My mayor is in power for the same reason. The powers that be of any nation are ordained of God, as the Book of Romans says.

    Further, the majority is never right. Think back to the first instance of a government by the people for Israel; God said “I want David,” but the people opted for Saul, and we see how well that went. So far as a national rule, man will always be under the headship of Satan as well. That is what the Bible says, and no amount of Christian voting will change that.

    That, and I am merely an ambassador of this nation. So far as Christ views me, I am a citizen of Heaven and am only a soldier sojourning through this nation. If I were in the military in service in Iraq, I wouldn’t be entitled to vote there, so why should I take upon myself voting in America?

    Also, the Reformation can hardly be compared to the American Revolution. Objecting to national government over secular issues isn’t quite the same as rejecting to false teachers “whose mouths must be stopped” and who we have biblical basis for objecting to.

  3. Last I checked, Christ didn’t want slaves. He wanted free thinking, intelligent individuals to willingly choose to follow and obey him to recieve salvation because he loved them. Perhaps I’m wrong.

  4. “Christ didn’t want slaves”? Then why did Paul begin his great epistle to the Romans by stating that he was “a slave of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle…” (Rom. 1:1)?

    To be made free from sin is to be enslaved to righteousness (Rom. 6:18) and to God (v.22).

    If you were a free man when called to Christ, then in Christ you are His slave (1 Cor. 7:22), and we are so His servants because we are bought with a price (v.23).

    Being a pleaser of men is seen to opposed to being a servant or slave of Christ (Gal. 1:10).

    Ephesians 6:6 touches on the same about being menpleasers, and says that our being a slave to Christ is done “from the heart.” Christ isn’t whipping us or beating us to do His will; rather, it is our “reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1) to love Him enough to live as though we were enslaved to Him, for we truly are bought with a price and we truly do owe Him our lives.

    So, if Christ wanted not slaves, Paul was a very confused man (and as he spoke nothing but that which God spoke through him in his letters, that would make God quite confused as well).

    Throughout all these verses (and many more times through the New Testament), the same Greek word is used to translate “bondsman,” “servant,” and more: doulos.

    Thayer gives this as a definition:

    1) a slave, bondman, man of servile condition
    1a) a slave
    1b) metaphorically, one who gives himself up to another’s will those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men
    1c) devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests
    2) a servant, attendant

    Whether we are metaphorically slaves is debatable; we are indisputably bought with a price. But at the same time, we are passed from being servants into a state of sonship. Such delicate balance is interwoven throughout the Bible.

    But one who lives only as a son and never as a slave will have much to answer for when the Lord returns to take account of His servants (Matthew 18:23).

    So again I say, I am a slave to Christ, and I am not ashamed.

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