How’s My Asthma?

After a pretty stressful week which also interrupted my sleep/eating cycle, I can still report that I haven’t had need for my rescue inhaler in several weeks.

I also haven’t been taking my vitamins as I should be (not only for my asthma, but in general–I don’t eat as healthy as I should).

The only two things I have been doing faithfully are using Flovent twice daily as well as breathing through my nose and focusing on getting by with less air.

And things are going quite well!

3 thoughts on “How’s My Asthma?”

  1. How is your asthma doing?? Have you noticed a long-term improvement since using the suggestions in Karon Beattie’s ebook? Did you try the exercises she recommends?

  2. I didn’t do the exercises; about the only thing of worth I got from that e-book that I can remember at this point is to breathe through the nose.

    My asthma is fine, for the most part, and only seems to be noticeable when I have a cold or flu or whatever it was. I take an albuterol inhaler twice a day, and I still take an all-in-one vitamin daily to help with C and other nutrients that help control asthma and strengthen the lungs.

  3. I didn’t do the exercises; about the only thing of worth I got from that e-book that I can remember at this point is to breathe through the nose.

    My asthma is fine, for the most part, and only seems to be noticeable when I have a cold or flu or whatever it was. I take an albuterol inhaler twice a day, and I still take an all-in-one vitamin daily to help with C and other nutrients that help control asthma and strengthen the lungs.

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