Government Schools and the Christian Remnant

I am grateful that the incidents described in the video below did not so much hold true at my high school. I distinctly remember a couple of teachers talking openly about church and such within the class rooms; I also recall that the school had purchased metal detectors for the doors but I don’t recall them ever having used them. (So there is a complaint about taxes and unnecessary spending somewhere in there, I guess…).

In light of the incidents described in the video, though, I am again reminded of the importance of home schooling. Schools are able to impress upon children and young adults ideals endorsed by an increasingly (antichristian|socialist|not-what-this-nation-is-used-to) government, and we should not be surprised when we learn the hard way that the children being our future isn’t necessarily a good thing.

As the video points out, the First Amendment to the Constitution does indeed protect the minority against the majority, but it seems an obvious corollary that the First Amendment only works if the majority themselves accept it. What happens when year after year hundreds of thousands graduate high school understanding and accepting that the government can muzzle us?

When I last posted, I wondered aloud that maybe there was something to the liberal side of politics. The conclusion of that matter is that if democracy is the absolute — if “we the people…” are the power — then I’m not for sure that we can all Barack Obama’s politics “unamerican” simply because America elected him.

However, what I’m finally — finally — starting to realize, what is finally coalescing in my mind is that democracy isn’t the ultimate reality in American politics, that American politics isn’t sacred.

Rather, democracy, like any other system of government, is a tool whereby God’s will may be done. Ultimately, His will is the absolute, the final concern of all who are His.

Recall that in Israel, a succession of kings was used to accomplish God’s will, with some kings wholly embracing His law, casting down idols and allowing worship of Yahweh to flourish.

The New Testament reiterates the responsibility of a government to punish the wicked and to reward the good. In America, the good are an increasingly trodden upon remnant who have lost their footing; democracy is perhaps the most difficult institution of government ever devised, for it allows no checks and balances against the wretched heart of natural man.

It is, after all, a matter of biblical fact that the Christian remnant is a minority wherever it is found, and it only takes a cursory overview of the Scriptures to discern that very little of what passes for Christianity in America is actual Christianity.

Students across the nation are being raised by institutions that tell them that faith has no relevance in learning, that fornication is acceptable if done “safely,” that humankind owes its existence to an ancient, inevitable process of cosmic and biological evolution, and that they are not to be critical of “alternative” lifestyles and sexualities.

America’s most impressionable citizens, for nearly forty hours of every school week, are being systematically programmed to be antagonistic toward Truth. Even for school children from Christian households, it is unlikely that their time with their parents or church is as productive or impressive as their time at the government learning institutions — after all, once you subtract time for all of the after school and extracurricular activities, social lives, television, and so on, you don’t get much time to pass down Christian mores and truths.

The Constitution guarantees that absolute power is never vested in one man; across the world, monarchy is being replaced with democracy. Yet on the off chance that we’d have a king like unto David or Josiah, a king who would cast down idols from our land and use their authority in obedience to Yahweh rather than in ignorance or opposition to Him… Perhaps a king is what this nation needs? (That taxation was so much a motivation for our casting off of monarchy in America, I can’t help but to begin to wonder just how much the love of money influenced the American revolution?)

Of course, some of you may like to point out that not all of Israel’s kings were as godly as David turned out; fair enough, but I wonder how different that’d be from the pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-Islam yet still somehow “Christian” President that we have today?

Just wondering out loud, and as always, your thoughts and questions are welcomed.

Video found on The Militant Libertarian.

6 thoughts on “Government Schools and the Christian Remnant”

  1. Our President is not pro-abortion because pro-abortion is not a valid view, the same goes for pro-homosexuality. Pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality means he is for abortions and homosexuality not the choice. Semantics are important.

    You are saying that one can not be Christian if someone believes in choice? I obviously have differing views from you and I’m not going to try to start a debate over such topics but I believe you need to reflect on what Christianity at its source really is about. It is very common but wrong and not Christian in thought and action to say someone isn’t Christian because someone has differing views as this post suggests. Disagree about issues but do not exclude and dismiss someone from a religion because their take on issues isn’t the same as yours.

    1. No, the president is most certainly pro-abortion. He’s even on record as saying he’d want his own daughter to abort if she was ever “punished” with a baby.

      Bottom line, to be a Christian is to believe the Scriptures, which take an extremely high view of life and an extremely low view of sin.

      The Christian view of homosexuality is that it is sinful, ungodly, and opposed to God. The Christian view of abortion is that it is murder, the taking of innocent blood, a crime for which God unequivocally declares His hatred of not only the act but the perpetrator.

      For politicians to promote and advocate for these sins is to reflect a rather low — or, dare I say, American — view of Christianity.

      If one starts at the Scriptures to determine what a Christian is, then a Christian is a person who recognizes pregnancy and children as gifts from God, that He is in control of life giving and sustaining. Abortion says, “No, God, you were wrong in giving me this child, so I will have it brutally ripped from me.”

      That’s the view I will hold until someone is able to defend abortion or homosexuality or any of America’s other darling sins exegetically from the Scriptures. If it cannot be done — and indeed, it cannot — then I will continue to maintain the position that I have staked out.

      Becoming a politician also is no excuse to soften your views. Note that in the Old Testament, the “good kings” who led Israel into times of blessing were the ones that were what we may call today “militant fundamentalists.” They embraced their faith in Yahweh and ruled accordingly. Those who made their faith take a back seat to the heathen will of the people, well,… Let’s just say there are some hardships that the Jews went through that I’d prefer we skip here in America.

    1. Always a pleasure to have you drop by, Brandon. I’m glad to hear that there are still major national officials who are willing to let their faith do the talking. All this “under a bushel” nonsense that “faith doesn’t mix with politics” breeds here in America is nauseating.

  2. Rick, it is very troubling that most politicians attempt to explain away any affiliation they have with Christianity’s core values. Seeing your last comment referencing the ignorant thought that “faith doesn’t mix with politics” reminded me of this: Governor Bobby Jindal on Christianity. Hopefully, he will not compromise his beliefs as so many other politicians have in modern times.

    I love what you write, keep up the good work!

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