Still Sick, Snow’s A-Comin’, the Ron Paul Badge, and More

Well, I’m still sick; though judging by my symptoms, I’m on the tail end of whatever it was I had. Alicia and I went out with our friends, the Sasses, and saw I Am Legend, the new Will Smith movie.

I must say, it wasn’t really at all what I expected, as I note in the brief review I gave at the above link. If you like post-apocalyptic, vampire, or Will Smith movies, you’ll likely really enjoy this movie. If you’ve read the book, don’t venture out to the theater expecting a faithful print-to-film translation! ((No, I haven’t read the book, but I did read a summary of the book prior to seeing the movie, and little of what seemed important from the summary showed up in the movie.))

A few days ago, we also had a Christmas party with the Sasses & most of the Sieberts, and that was a lot of fun as well. I’ve been told that Alicia is an excellent entertainer; perhaps that comes part & parcel with being an excellent wife? Either way, if you had seen what Alicia managed to do with our dining table and place settings… Wow! ((Unfortunately, I didn’t snap any pictures of the setup, or I’d post them for you.))

Currently the weather forecast is showing at most five inches of snow by Sunday, so there’s quite a bit of fervor around these parts about the impending snow. As always, it helps to remember that God sends the snow, and it obediently obeys — a lesson for believers, to be sure. Recognizing God’s hand in nature makes it incredibly difficult to complain about the situation, for when I do so, I am showing a lack of reverence to God. The just shall live by faith, the Lord has declared, and so I live in faith knowing that whatever the weather, God will be working all things out for good ((That’s from His perspective, not necessarily our own, mind you.)) for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, but also that Yahweh will be glorified!

Making the jump from religion to politics — though the two intersect quite often — many of you may have noticed the Ron Paul badge in the sidebar. That’s right, I’m publicly giving my support to Ron Paul. To be honest, I agree with pretty much his entire platform, believe that he best represents Constitution Party ((My party of choice.)) principles, and admire the strong stand he takes in honoring the U. S. Constitution. If a President is to “preserve, protect, and defend” it, it only makes sense that they should wholeheartedly abide by it as well!

I’m still relatively new to this whole “politics” thing and am constantly learning, but I admit to not knowing all too much. I know I like what I see on Ron Paul’s site, ((Which, incidentally, is one of the most nicely designed political sites I’ve ever come across.)) and insofar as his views line up with mine — and the Constitution, as I understand it — then he has my endorsement!

9 thoughts on “Still Sick, Snow’s A-Comin’, the Ron Paul Badge, and More”

  1. If you are speaking to me, then yes. I sent my voter’s registration this morning.

    If you weren’t speaking to me, then, “Whoops!”

  2. Steve: It reminded me a lot of the role of God in the M. Night Shyamalan movie Signs, that events are purposed, that He is able to work even the bleakest of situations out for the good.

    What about you?

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