Salacious Sexual Sermon Series

It is not uncommon for me to come across a couple of Web pages each week showcasing churches which are using sermon series on various sex-related subjects in a propagandist move to fill their seats; usually, these pages showcase such churches by pointing out how “idolatrous” such sermon series are, how we ought to preach Christ and only Him crucified.

Fair enough, but did Christ not say that the preaching and believing of the Gospel was just the beginning, that discipleship ought to take place, that all which He has taught should be communicated to others? Did Paul not state that the whole of Scriptures was profitable for edification?

I agree that using propagandist tactics to stir up controversy and attract the unsaved into churches is a stupid move; I disagree that elders should not be teaching the flock about sex — the dangers and the joys thereof. In teaching the whole counsel of God, are they just to skip the Song of Solomon, or is there an unwritten rule that they cannot teach that book without hyper-spiritualizing everything into referring to either Yahweh & Israel or Christ & the Church?

If elders aren’t teaching the flock about sex (and if the flock are in turn not passing the same values to their children), who do you think is going to be teaching them about it?

Something to think about.

2 thoughts on “Salacious Sexual Sermon Series”

  1. Desperate Households: Title of a sermon and series at a local community church here in our town. They were able to attract 1400 people for Easter. A good church, I am sure. And household is in a desperate state.

    The church needs to reach the Lost, but also teach the Saints. If you teach the Saints they will reach the Lost without all the other things we think we need to do to reach the Lost.

    Good article

  2. Charles E. Whisnant: Thanks, Charles, glad you enjoyed it.

    I’m often interested when reading through Acts and the Epistles of how the churches meet. The message preached (“Christ crucified”) which is an offense to the world, the Communion Supper which is for the saints only, the customs and practices (e.g., foot washing) which run contrary to the self-centered, prideful mindset of the world…

    It’s almost as if the churches were set up deliberately to attract saints rather than in a way which keeps them “marketable” to the lost. Knowing that, it is no wonder at all that apostles and missionary-evangelists are those who are sent out from the flock in order to see the lost become saved.

    If the extent of our evangelism is simply inviting the lost to church, we are neglecting the evangelistic aspect of the Great Commission while placing far too much weight on the shoulders of the teaching elders, requiring them to simultaneously teach the flock the meat of the Word while hoping they give plenty of Gospel to the lost who may be present.

    What usually happens, in my experience, is that the entire congregation (the sheep and the goats) receive nothing but a steady diet of milk; what goats do become sheep are then in the same boat as the other sheep — they are given little which allows them to grow. The cycle continues as far too few missionary-evangelists are produced by the church, and still more teaching elders are burdened with undue tasks.

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