Bowing to Mammon in the Coming Election

The economy is one of the most important aspects of any presidential election, and I don’t find that too surprising. In a nation (and world) comprised of those who have no eternal inheritance in the kingdom of God, a focus on treasures here on Earth is almost expected.

To my Christian readers, I encourage you to go read the Sermon on the Mount. If you’re not already familiar with it, read it multiple times before voting this November. Pay attention to passages like Matthew 6:19–24 and realize that economic issues aren’t a priority for the Christian.

I have heard more than one person say they are voting for Obama on economic grounds despite his support of abortion, for example. I do not think it unreasonable to conclude that when you value economic conditions over human life, you are in effect bowing in worship to Mammon and are antagonizing Yahweh.

I’m not going to tell you for whom to vote — I’ll leave that up to you and your conscience before God. All I know is that according to the CIA World Factbook, there are something like 155,862,043 Protestant Christians in America. (( Just imagine the resulting change on society if we all embraced the Sermon on the Mount in not only our own lives but also taking it into account when voting. It’s only three chapters of Scripture (Matthew 5–7), but the implications of living according to the principles therein are astounding.

7 thoughts on “Bowing to Mammon in the Coming Election”

  1. The problems with Obama isn’t just that he’s pro killing of children, he is also pro demise of the white race. I hope and encourage Every God Fearing Christian to vote against him.

  2. “he is also pro demise of the white race”

    Would this be an indication that you don’t think people will find Obama’s abortion stance sufficient cause to vote against him and so you must come up with baseless slander??

  3. Rick,

    I followed the link. I read the page. I viewed the You tube.

    The only racism I see documented there is the racism of the person who put the page up.

    I guess if you define racism as “an awareness of race” then Obama is guilty. But I’m pretty sure it is not possible to grow up Black in this country without some whites making you aware of race with regularity.

    It is easy to grow up white with only a vague awareness of race.

    If one is going to make accusations, one should have real evidence, not a bunch of internet blather.

  4. Senior: “It is easy to grow up white with only a vague awareness of race.” Perhaps it is, but Connersville harbors quite a bit of racism. I saw it from middle school on up and even in church after high school. I know what racism looks like.

    If the quotes from Obama are accurate, I can say with confidence that were a *white* person to have said them, much of it would have been considered racist.

    In any event, he can believe what he wants to about race. It’s been my opinion for quite a while that anyone who focuses on race is getting such a narrow picture of humanity.

    I think most of us tend to expect a bit too much from elected officials. God hand-picked both Moses & David to lead his people, and they were both murderers! (And Republicans thought Clinton was bad!)

  5. In any event…

    Mike Rowley’s comment above that “Obama…is also pro demise of the white race” is unsubstantiated and uncalled for.

    Nothing has been said or referred to here to justify it.

    “If the quotes from Obama are accurate, I can say with confidence that were a *white* person to have said them, much of it would have been considered racist.”

    If a white said them perhaps it would not be considered racist, or maybe it would be considered racist, and, depending on the context, perhaps it would have been. Obama is still being convicted on a mighty thin case.

    Racism is often not a clear right and wrong issue. Just because there is a mention of “race” does not mean the speaker is racist.

    The link above (to a Rand site no less!!!!) just gives a list of words lifted from the book with no context whatsoever. This proves only that the person doing the listing has no idea of what he or she is doing.

    All the “racist” quotes in the YouTube are not what Obama is saying, it is Obama explaining someone else’s point of view (if not quoting someone else outright).

    If there is a bit of actual evidence in there it is buried underneath a lot of irrelevant stuff.

    God forbid that anyone ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Every little slip by a politician is piled upon as proof of his or hers unfitness for office.

  6. Walt Dickinson

    Senior, “Every little slip by a politician is piled upon as proof of his or hers unfitness for office.”

    Freudian slips. :) Gotta love ’em. Or, seeing as our current president has so kindly lent his name, Bushisms.

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