Redefining the Watchtower

With the success of Timothy’s Burden, the recent explosion in activity on the Fellowship Hall, the fun of maintaining Cloud 9 Lyrics, and the under-active-development apologetics research project the Brethren Theological Institute, I probably don’t need to be starting the Watchtower back up.

Which is why the Watchtower is gone, and I’ve renamed it “Ramblin’ Rick: Rants, Raves, and Roves.” Rather than blog about religion here and at Timothy’s Burden, I’ll try to separate the profane and the sacred. I expect some content may overlap, but who knows.

Either way, I wanted a place where I can be thrilled about new bluegrass albums, “Star Trek” prequel movies, and alien symbiotes.

I’m not sure where I want to go with this site, if anywhere, so I chose the title and tagline most conducive to randomness of any kind.

Either way, I’ll be posting here again. Hope no one missed me too much! :)


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Of Faith and Doubt, by Rick Beckman