Christmas’ Angels of Light

For a few days now, I’ve had the thought in my mind that there was something inherently fishy with the use of angels as decorations throughout Christmas. Generally speaking, these angels are lit or white/bright in coloring. They are, in effect, angels of light.

What they are not are angels of the Bible (i.e., nowhere are angels said to be feminine [they are universally described in the masculine] nor are they said to have wings, etc.).

However, the one time (one!) that “angel of light” is used in the the word of God, it refers directly to Satan. He comes as an angel of light.

Why worry about such a threat when everyone’s favorite holiday is sugar-coated in angels of light? If we can convince everyone that an angel of light is a feminine being with swan-like wings and a passion for harp music, who’s going to be convinced that an angel of light might actually deceive them.

Satan, that old serpent, is subtil. He knows our weaknesses better than we could ever hope to. And he is a masterful deceiver. Beware when a holiday is decked round about with satanic angels! Beware when a wicked and perverse generation call evil good and good evil!


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Of Faith and Doubt, by Rick Beckman