Brittany McComb, taking a stand

Every now and again, the AFA asks its subscribers to act on an issue that isn’t a horrendous waste of time, money and effort. This is one of those occasions. In their latest Action Alert, they reported about Miss Brittany McComb, a high school valedictorian whose speech was censored by the school and approved by the ACLU to ensure it contained no references to Scripture or to Christ.

McComb, however, chose to read the original version of her speech–which she had earned the right to do with a 4.7 GPA. Her microphone was silenced before she could finish the speech. Another Christian silenced to appease the spirit of antichrist in the world. Apparently, having Miss McComb empty herself of her spirituality and to give the speech as a hypocrite is much more in line with “American Civil Liberties” than to embrace ones spirituality and actually let it show in one’s life.

It’s things like this that make me glad I am first and foremost a citizen of the Kingdom of God, not of this world. Thank you, Jesus!

The Action Alert asks those who agree with McComb’s stand for Christ to sign a petition of thanks, which will be presented to her.


2 responses to “Brittany McComb, taking a stand”

  1. Nasser Avatar

    Give me a break! I was valedictorian and they edited my speech.

    It his person wins than someone who’s a Satanist will be able to speak about that. Would you like that? Eventually schools will just stop having addresses to prevent that eventuality.

    What a crock.

  2. Satanists, according to the philosophy of America, should be as free to express themselves as Christians are. If it is okay to infringe upon the rights of one group, then everyone’s rights may be infringed.

    God only calls us to silence false teachers when they are in our midst within the church. He doesn’t call us to go out to lock down the world against false religions. He’ll do that just fine Himself when He returns.

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Of Faith and Doubt, by Rick Beckman