Why People Prefer Kirk

"Spock never had to deal with this..."
“Spock never had to deal with this…”


4 responses to “Why People Prefer Kirk”

  1. Rich Beckman Avatar
    Rich Beckman

    I don’t remember that episode.

  2. I’m a Picard person, but Kirk is undeniably awesome. No one could have pulled the role off like Shatner did, and that’s partially (primarily?) why Kirk has been burned into pop culture consciousness in ways that Picard (and Sisko and Janeway and Archer) never will be.

  3. Kirk? People prefer Kirk? Methinks the only peeps that preferred Kirk were also fans of Gumby inasmuch as the acting quality was the same…as a dry dishrag.

  4. Rich Beckman Avatar
    Rich Beckman

    It’s not the acting. It’s the character. And the result. Picard is successful, but Kirk casually cheats death.

    Also, the camp. Just the right amount of camp.

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Of Faith and Doubt, by Rick Beckman