Humbled in 140 Characters or Less

Today started out like most other Fridays. I woke up, I went to work, I picked up after a bunch of kids, I came home… And then I saw my screen name listed alongside Darren Rowse, Chris Guillebeau, Chris Pearson, Pete Cashmore, and Brian Clark as someone who provides “great blogging advice.”

The Humbling of @KingdomGeek

At first, I was flattered — who wouldn’t be? But the more I think about it, the less I feel I deserve or should be listed alongside those guys. Not only have they provided awesome blogging advice for others, but they have applied their wisdom to their own sites and have created blogs which have rocked the socks off of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, worldwide.

And here we are at KingdomGeek, an unfocused blog rife with inconsistent writing styles, an amateur customization of an otherwise top-notch theme (compare what I’ve done with Brian Clark’s theme on the site linked to above; his site and mine are both rocking Thesis), and a very modest traffic level.

Do I give great blogging advice on Twitter? If so, I’m not proving it via my own blog. If on the off chance I am, though, I am very glad to be able to help others improve their blogs, and I imagine they quite quickly surpass mine in terms of reach and authority. At least, I hope that they do!

In any event, thank you Clara for listing me alongside the greats. I can’t tell you how I appreciate it.


2 responses to “Humbled in 140 Characters or Less”

  1. You are too modest.Are you forgetting about your help on the DIY Thesis Forum. I have found your advice there to be very helpful. I am new at blogging and have ZERO knowledge of any kind of coding, CSS, HTML or anything like it. I chose to use Thesis because of the support and tutorials that are available for people like me. I haven’t done very many customizations to my site yet, but I feel confident that I can have a very professional looking website.

    Don’t sell yourself short, I put you in that group because I have learned a lot about websites, blogging, writing and more from each of you. In this case, it takes a village to make a better blogger.

    (I can’t believe you wrote a post about me. Now I am humbled. I am just a girl from Dallas who likes to write about movies)

  2. Okay, sure, perhaps my advice on the Thesis support board is worth a li’l something. If only I could apply half of what I’ve said here, I’d be set!

    It’s a little ironic that two days after writing this post, I read a list of 21 blogging mistakes, one of which was neglecting to sell yourself. I’ve probably done the exact opposite of “selling myself” with the above post. In any event, I do need to take care to sell myself more, especially because I don’t exactly have a product or whatever that I’m attempting to sell.

    Thanks for the comment, Clara, and for the encouragement. :)

    Oh, and by the way, your blog looks great. I’ve toyed quite a bit with starting a movie(/book/game/music) review site with my wife. Thesis seems designed to do something like that, after all. Finding the time for another project… That’s the trick.

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