
Lab-Grown Meat: Mmm Mmm Good

Scientists are working on producing meat which is grown in a laboratory, mostly separating livestock from the food equation. Though the Bible allows all animals to be used for food, lab-grown meat would solve plenty of problems.


The Heart of Worship

When you think of worship, do you think of song and dance? If so, you may have a deeply misguided sense of what worshipping God looks like, which has far more to do with humility than it does rhythm and grooves.


So Many Passwords

A look at my current practice of using unique, hard-to-crack passwords for the many sites of which I am a member, including a look at the rules I use when producing my new passwords.


Terrorist Attack in London

Terror strikes in the London transit system, which necessarily provokes a response from government and citizen. Will that response be biblical, or will we subvert God’s order by taking vengeance and wrath for our own?

the Rick Beckman archive
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