We’re Back!

After some crazy downtime, I’m glad to see that Timothy’s Burden and my other sites are back. Hopefully, such a long-term bout of slow response times and intermittent downtime won’t occur again. I’m just glad I didn’t cause the downtime. :)

Aside from that, I still don’t know how often I’ll be able to post over the next few weeks. I’m not sure how quickly Comcast will switch our service to our new home, which we close on Thursday. We move in Saturday. I don’t want to be offline for too long–aside from taking care of all my sites (which wouldn’t be a big deal if none of them had user-created content like comments or forum posts), several of my bills are delivered via email notification!

I guess that’s the price I pay for just about being biologically tied to the internet.

As it was when I packed up all of my stuff to get the apartment with my wife, it is a bit humbling to see the vast majority of my possessions packed away into boxes. Not much is left, and though there is plenty of empty space, I haven’t found myself missing anything yet (it is quite obvious that my computer is still plugged in and working!). It’s amazing how much stuff we surround ourselves with, even if it’s stuff that serves absolutely no purpose.

Like I said, I’m not for certain when we’ll get our internet access set up at the house, but there is a new web project that I am eager to get started on. I experimented with the idea several months ago, but I think this time it will go much smoother. We’ll see.

4 thoughts on “We’re Back!”

  1. ml, could this be the first instance of a downtime that was not caused by Rick?

    “biologically tied to the internet” I wonder what a literal surgery like that would cost…and what would happen if it were to actually happen. *shutters* I could use the internet and not even use a computer, as long as I had some kind of wireless connection. What if I had a cord I needed to connect…

    Man, I’m going to stop thinking about this now.

    *is excited about this new experiement* considering I know what it is…

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