Thesis 1.5 is Coming

We are rapidly approaching the release of Thesis 1.5, but just what do we have in store for you?

  • Style Overhaul: The entire style constructor has been rebuilt to be many times faster. No longer are a dozen or so stylesheets generated on the fly when people browse your site; instead, one stylesheet — layout.css — is generated only when you save your Thesis design options. This removes all processing time from your users’ experience, keeps your header cleaner, and reduces the number of files that users have to download. We’ve just begun to explore the possibilities that the new style system affords us, so you can expect even more great things in the future!

  • Arbitrary Widths: If you’ve ever wanted to have two sidebars of different widths or use a non-standard content column width or anything of that sort, you know the “joy” of tinkering around with custom styles to achieve the desired effect. No more! The next version of Thesis will include options to specify whatever widths you want for all three columns.

  • One Column Multimedia Box: Switch to a one column layout only to be burned by the fact the multimedia box doesn’t work on it? No longer! The logic has been rewritten to accommodate even single column layouts, and on such a layout the multimedia box will appear between the content and the widgets.

  • Comments Overhaul: Just about every line of code dealing with comments has been touched to accommodate all of the comment-related features introduced in WordPress 2.7, and they will all work swimmingly with the next version of Thesis: comments threading, pagination, reverse order, and more. Of course, you can expect nothing less from DIYthemes: all of these features will look as gorgeous as the rest of Thesis!

  • Internationalization: Efforts have been taken to make Thesis as internationalized as possible, and translations can now be readily made based on the included thesis.po file.

  • And more: New options, new hooks, bug fixes, improvements throughout… If you’re a Thesis user, you’re not going to want to miss Thesis 1.5!

And if you’re not a Thesis user, there’s never been a better time get in on the party. Never before has a WordPress theme afforded so much design flexibility, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a theme which sports more perfectionist typography than Thesis.

While all of the above is reason enough to get excited about Thesis, Chris and I have more ideas than we have time to implement, it seems like. In other words, if you purchase Thesis now, you will not just be purchasing a cutting edge blog today, you will be purchasing lifetime upgrades to a theme that will continue to push the envelope. Don’t take my word for it, though; check it out for yourself!

26 thoughts on “Thesis 1.5 is Coming”

  1. Very exciting news, Rick. Feeling more smug than ever about having adopted Thesis. :-D

    I’m looking forward to the arbitrary widths functionality. I’ve been happy to use the ‘manual’ personalized approach to responding to comments that you and Chris have advocated in the past, so the advent of threaded comments doesn’t (yet) excite me; still, I’m interested to see what Th 1.5 delivers for threading.

    Many thanks to you and Chris for the hard work you’ve put into this.

    1. Using comment_link links to reply to posts will, of course, still work. I’ve thought about working out some way to automatically insert a functional <a href="#comment-x" class="comment_link">Name:</a> automatically when clicking the “Reply” link, if threaded comments are enabled.

      Encouraging that referential link will help reduce confusion if threaded comments are ever disabled on the blog. I wonder if I can get that figured out this weekend, hopefully before release (whenever that is).

  2. Rick,

    Love the theme but … any chance there are sub-nav display options this time around? The masses are hungry :)

    1. Not as of yet. With so much of the theme already getting jolted, poked, and prodded, we had to draw the line somewhere lest we release too much at one time to adequately support. There are bound to be bugs, and I don’t know about Chris, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed on the board this time around. :D

    1. Still fixed, though I’d imagine implementing fluid widths in a future version of Thesis will be much easier thanks to the strides Chris has taken with this upcoming version. I’ll swing that idea by him for ya!

  3. I love Thesis and look forward to all that is ahead. I have tried to figure out on my own (and from forums) about the funky features/teasers situation now that I am using wordpress 2.7.1. Will this be fixed in new Thesis version. Thanks a million!

  4. You should be able to disable teasers, thereby getting full content, in the Thesis Design Options. Hop on the support board if you need more help getting set up like you want. :)

  5. Thanks for the good content review. I have had Thesis for a couple of months now. Do you know how to remove the teaser excerpts from the previous posts? I would like them to be shown in full.

  6. Hello Rick,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    I figured out last night how to take the teasers out of my previous pages. All I did was go to home page options in thesis, and go to the number of maximum posts to be shown on home page, and that seemed to work. All my past posts are in full length.

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