Indiana Daylight Savings Time

I’ve noticed a few search referrals show up regarding Indiana and the time change that will occur in just over two hours. So to those who have searched and who will search, I hope this clears things up for you:

For most of Indiana, at 2:00am on Sunday, October 29, time will “fall back.” What this means is that 2:00am will become 1:00am and will then progress normally until the next time change. (And yes, that means 1:00, 1:01, 1:02, and so on, will all occur twice in the same night. Freaky, I know; just in time for Halloween.)

I went ahead and switched my clocks tonight, so while I’m writing this at 11:50, I’m considering it 10:50. This gives me the extra hour tonight, and I won’t have to worry about hassling with the time switch when I wake up. I’ll have already adjusted.

I realize that most of us in Indiana are still fairly new to the concept of time changes, having only gone through one change so far. But I do hope over the course of the next day everyone can get adjusted: if you don’t remember to change your clocks, you’re liable to show up for work an hour late on Monday!

Users of cell phones will have it a bit easier; I use mine as a watch, and the time on it will automatically adjust for me, which is handy.

The time on my computer will also adjust. Follow these steps to make sure yours does as well:

  • Double-click the time display on the Start bar to open the Date and Time Properties dialog.
  • Switch to the Time Zone tab.
  • Make sure that “(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)” is selected in the drop-down.
  • Tick the box for “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.”
  • Press “OK” to save and exit.

I hope this is a helpful reminder for other Hoosiers out there as we move from “daylight time” back to “standard time”!

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