http:BL Lite – a WordPress Plugin

I am pleased to announce the release of http:BL Lite, a WordPress plugin derived from the http:BL WordPress Plugin.

By installing http:BL Lite, the IP addresses of visitors to your blog will be verified against the Project Honey Pot database. This means that known email harvesters, comment spammers, or otherwise suspicious users are blocked from accessing your WordPress site, preventing them from exploiting or abusing it in any way.

The primary difference between http:BL Lite and the original http:BL WordPress Plugin is that my version does not include the logging feature. I did not feel that it was necessary and preferred the simplicity of the plugin prior to logging being added. After stripping out all of the code pertaining to the logging feature, redesigning the plugin’s option page, and cleaning up various aspects of the code, I decided to release my rendition of the plugin, with all thanks and appreciation going to Jan StÄ™pieÅ„.


  • WordPress 2.0 or higher. If it works with an older version, let me know!
  • PHP 4.2 or higher. If it works with an older version, let me know!

Installation & Usage

  1. Download http:BL Lite.
  2. Decompress the httpBL-Lite directory and its contents to your /wp-contents/plugins directory.
  3. Upload the directory to your server.
  4. Enable the plugin.
  5. Visit the plugin's options page; it will appear as a sub-page of the plugins area of your administration panel. Configure the options per the details given. You will need an http:BL Access Key. No, I cannot provide this for you.
  6. After configuring the settings, save them & enjoy!
  7. Would you care to chip in a few dollars toward my hosting bill?

    Help us pay our hosting bills! Please!


http:BL Lite is licensed under the GNU General Public License.


  • 1.0 - 2007/05/07 - Initial release.

13 thoughts on “http:BL Lite – a WordPress Plugin”

  1. Hi Rick,

    I’m a developer for the photoblogging software Pixelpost and I would like to turn your plugin into a plugin for Pixelpost. But before I do, I would like to know what your feelings are.

    Full credits will be given in the source and adminpanel.

  2. That’s freakin’ awesome, Schonhose! The plugin is GPLed, so port away!

    In addition to giving credit to me, credit should be given as well to Jan Stępień, who made the original plugin (of which mine is the “Lite” version).

  3. I managed to turn this plugin into a plugin for Pixelpost. I have it on my blog for a testdrive and it works well. Interesting to see the statistics from Project Honeypot.

  4. I am having trouble with spammers hitting my server so hard that my hosts mysql server can not keep up, would this plugin lower the amount of mysql queries being sent to the mysql server?

    Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer.


  5. Yep, seems to be corrupted. I don’t even think I have the original files to this anymore. It’s been two years — not even sure it’ll work in WordPress at this point. Just use the Bad Behavior plugin — it includes http:BL functionality, in addition to loads of other great protections.

  6. I want to be able to use WP Super Cache in the ‘full’ mode, which is incompatible with BB.

    I am using the original http:BL plugin, and it doesn’t seem to be breaking anything. It’s hard to know if it is stopping spam, though.

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