Fresh from the Graveyard Shift, or I Should Probably Be Sleeping

Two weeks of working third shift — that’s the overnight, or “graveyard” shift, if you’re unfamiliar with the term — are past. I’m grateful that these interruptions of routine only happen a couple of times a year, generally to handle large-scale season resets that would be impractical to tackle during the day.

Still, for the past year and a half or so, I’ve been able to work the graveyard shifts along with two of my best friends, which has made the projects — whether mine or theirs — go much more smoothly; I’m sure we all appreciate management’s willingness to let us all leave the day crew en masse to get our projects done.

Yesterday, at the behest of one of my friends, I sent in some requests to Walmart Radio: “Love Shack” by the B-52s (which was actually my friend’s request), “Whiskey in the Jar” by Metallica, and the lesser known “Amelia’s Missing” by fellow Hoosier Jon McLaughlin.

Jon McLaughlin’s “Indiana” While my requests made it to the overnight show, I was disappointed that “Amelia’s Missing” wasn’t even mentioned, let alone played; my wife has informed me that’s very likely due to it never having been a single release. Or maybe Walmart only handled the so-called “Christian” version of the album which excluded “Amelia’s Missing” in favor of the song “Proud Father.” Just how bad is “Amelia’s Missing” that it was scrubbed from the christianized version of the album? See for yourself:

I can’t find Crazy Horse, can’t find Hoffa
And Amelia’s missing somewhere out at sea
And I hope they’re happy, havin’ a party
And Elvis is servin’ them up green apple martinis

I can’t find my watch
I can’t find my wallet
So how in the hell am I supposed to find

The one that I love
The one that I need
Hidden so high
Buried so deep

Well, I found odd jobs, and I found reasons
For all kinds of ways I can waste my time
And I found lovers, and I found leavers
And I found new ways just to tell old lies

I can’t find my watch
I can’t find my wallet
So how in the hell am I supposed to find

The one that I love
The one that I need
Hidden so high
Buried so deep

Somewhere to run
Somewhere to go
And if I ever find her
How will I know?
How will I know?

‘Cause can’t find Crazy Horse, can’t find Hoffa
And Amelia’s missing somewhere out at sea

Say it with me now: Gasp! What terrible, rotten, lyrics are these, and that’s stopping at that line about martinis. Alcohol? Why, I never!

And if a mention of a rock star and alcohol in the same line is too much for you to handle, do not pass Go, do not collect $2,000,000, and most certainly don’t read the rest of the lyrics.

For whatever reason Walmart Radio didn’t have the song, I was disappointed. I guess that’s the point of this: it’s a beautiful song, and it would have been nice at the wee hours of the morning. Seriously.

2 thoughts on “Fresh from the Graveyard Shift, or I Should Probably Be Sleeping”

  1. Gotta do something to keep you people on your toes! I still think you should subscribe rather than bookmarking. Google Reader rocks for keeping track of sites, and you could subscribe to all of mine (especially this one).

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