Concluding the List of “Ways a Husband May Express Love to His Wife”

Though this is the conclusion of the 86 item list that I was given in premarital counseling, I have no doubt that there are thousands of other things that men can do to express their love for their wives. In 27 days, I’ll be able to start discovering those ways for myself.

  1. Being eager to share a good joke or some other interesting information you have learned.
  2. Going with her in a team ministry in the church.
  3. Going to a Bible study or research project together.
  4. Establishing and following a family budget.
  5. Keeping yourself attractive and neat.
  6. Being cooperative, helpful, functioning as a cohost when you have people in for dinner or fellowship.
  7. Asking her to pray with you about something.
  8. Acknowledging that there are some specific areas or ways in which you need to improve.
  9. Refusing to disagree with her in the presence of others.
  10. Cooperating with her in establishing family goals and then in fulfilling them.
  11. Being available and eager to fulfill her desires whenever and wherever possible and proper.
  12. Beginning each day with cheerfulness and tangible expressions of affection.
  13. Planning to spend some time alone with her each day for sharing and communicating.
  14. Remembering to tell her when you must work late.
  15. Refusing to work late on a regular basis.
  16. Taking care of the yardwork properly.
  17. Refusing to compare her unfavorably with other people.
  18. Handling money wisely.
  19. Not allowing work, church or recreational activities to keep you from fulfilling marriage responsibilities.
  20. Trying to find things to do with her.
  21. Being willing to go out or stay home with her.
  22. Being polite and courteous and mannerly with her.
  23. Refusing to be overly depedent on your parents or friends.
  24. Developing mutual friends.
  25. Providing hospitalization insurance.
  26. Trying to the level of your ability to provide housing and some support for your family in case you should die or become handicapped.

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