Bless Those Who Persecute You

I know there are many ministries out there that seek to take care of the persecuted Christians abroad, but I wonder, are there any out there who encourage, enable, and even participate in blessing & loving those who are doing the persecution? They kill a Christian… we build them a clean water well. I wonder what kind of difference that would make. Jesus seemed to think it was a good idea.

3 thoughts on “Bless Those Who Persecute You”

  1. Every ministry that seeks to share the truth as it is in Jesus Christ is essentially doing this. They aren’t persecuted because they are trying to hurt their enemies; rather, they are persecuted for trying to do something good for them. The problem, however, is that not all have eyes to see a good thing for what it really is.

  2. i’m just finding your website, and subsequently, this post, but i wonder if you would consider America itself as a ministry which encourages, enables, & loves those who participate in the persecution with its involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan? they kill Christians, Jews, Pagans, etc, every day, and we are attempting to give them democratic governments and aid.

  3. The Bible Post: Sharing a religious message with somebody, however, doesn’t do anything to help an enemy, nor does it do much to dissuade further problems between different people groups. However, doing genuine good — feeding, clothing, giving water, building wells, etc. — for the sake of simply doing good? That could certainly change things. Leave the religion out of it.

    Cheri: America is not a ministry, nor should we ever think of it as such.

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