10 Days Till 9rules Round 5! An Invitation to Join

For those of you who are not in the know, 9rules is a community of bloggers who publish the world’s best blogs.:”(I say that biting my lip as I don’t feel Timothy’s Burden is one of the world’s best blogs, but it was miraculously inducted into the fold, which I am thankful for!)”: These blogs cover a diverse assortment of topics, from anime to music, science to sports. Each topic is its own community within the community, organizing the member blogs by content. Like the topics themselves, the member count can vary greatly: the science community has four member blogs while the design community has forty-nine! The community which I am a part of, the religion community, currently is home to nine blogs.

As members of the 9rules community and its sub-communities, bloggers have their content syndicated from the front page of 9rules, currently a PageRank 7 page, as well as the main page for the specific content community to which they are organized. That exposure alone is worth membership!

I have called 9rules a community intentionally as that is what it is: joining 9rules connects you with hundreds of other members from dozens of fields and even more walks of life, members who are passionate about what they do and about the community. Members of 9rules collaborate, share information, share leads, discuss content, and just about anything else which would benefit your blog. If you are a professional blogger, the benefit is all the more noticeable. And while 9rules Notes provides a glimpse of just how wonderful the community aspect of this is, there is something even sweeter that members get to enjoy!

There is also the “9rules flower effect.” Once I learned what the Network was, every time I noticed the 9rules flower on a blog I was visiting, I would be reminded of the claim about having the best blogs in the world, and I would pay slightly more attention to what that blogger was saying in his or her entries. I’m certain I’m not the only blog browser out there like that either, so becoming a member and being granted permission to display the 9rules flower on your website is certainly a benefit to membership, as far as I’m concerned!

All that being said, I want to personally extend an invitation especially to any religious bloggers that might be reading. As I said earlier, the 9rules Religion Community has nine blogs, including mine. There is plenty of room to grow, and I for one would enjoy discovering more great blogs on a topic I love so much. I’m pretty sure all our member blogs right now are Christian of one kind or another, but I might be wrong; regardless, let me be clear that this isn’t a 9rules Christian Community. I would love to see more variety in the group. I may disagree with a blog wholeheartedly, but being mutually part of something is a large open door for discussion via blogs, Notes, or the member forum.

Whatever kind of religious blogging you do, I encourage you to sign up! Check out what they look for in a site, and if you are willing to stick with the membership commitments,:”About 9rules(

  • No matter how beautiful your site is, your content is what it’s all about. Keep the good stuff comin’!
  • Getting stale is for bread, not for blogs. Always be willing to grow as a blogger and to improve your blog.
  • Remember that being part of 9rules is being part of a community. Be committed to that community and help it when you can. Each of us brings something unique to the fold, and it is better because of it!

)”:http://9rules.com/about/ then be sure to learn all about 9rules Round 5, a 24-hour window to submit your site, and it’s just 10 days away! Submission doesn’t mean that you’ll be accepted, but you can always check out the 9rules blog for all sorts of information about what they look for when accepting blogs.

I look forward to a growing Religion Community, to new discussions, and to better blogging all around!

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