
Entries about religion from my days as a fundamentalist to my atheistic today. I want people, especially Christians, to better understand the Bible — through knowledge, there is freedom!


A Holy Kiss

Fundamentalist Christianity teaches that man and woman should avoid all contact with each unless they are married, lest they give the appearance of immorality. Historically, though, Christians greeted each other with kisses. Should this practice be revived?


Lab-Grown Meat: Mmm Mmm Good

Scientists are working on producing meat which is grown in a laboratory, mostly separating livestock from the food equation. Though the Bible allows all animals to be used for food, lab-grown meat would solve plenty of problems.


The Heart of Worship

When you think of worship, do you think of song and dance? If so, you may have a deeply misguided sense of what worshipping God looks like, which has far more to do with humility than it does rhythm and grooves.

the Rick Beckman archive
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